Normunds Stivriņš
Dr. geol.Amats
- Ainavu arhitektūras un vides inženierijas institūts - pētnieks (doktorantūrā)
Pieņemšanas laiki
Pieņemšanas laiki nav norādīti.
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Climate effects on belowground tea litter decomposition depend on ecosystem and organic matter types in global wetlands / Stacey M. Trevathan-Tackett, Sebastian Kepfer-Rojas, Ika Djukic, Erica B. Young, Shin-Cheng Yeh, Normunds Stivrins ...[etc]
- The conceptual framework of reactive nitrogen calculation module integration in conceptual hydrological model METQ / Jana Grave, Normunds Stivrins, Inga Grīnfelde
- Zemgales ģeoloģijas un vides loma teritorijas identitātes veidošanā / Normunds Stivriņš
- Groundwater level dynamics in extracted peatland: assessing potential for recultivation / Normunds Stivrins, Janis Bikše, Sabīna Alta, Inga Grīnfelde
- Drivers of peat accumulation rate in a raised bog: impact of drainage, climate, and local vegetation composition / N. Stivrins, I. Ozola, M.Galka, E. Kuske, T. Alliksaar, T.J. Andersen, M. Lamentowicz, S. Wulf, T. Reitalu
- Rasela ledāja kriokonīta bedrītes dienvidrietumu Grenlandē / Kristaps Lamsters, Normunds Stivriņš, Māris Krievāns, Jānis Karušs, Agnis Rečs
- Ezeru references apstākļi Latvijā – paleolimnoloģisks vērtējums / Normunds Stivriņš, Ieva Grudzinska, Kati Elmi, Atko Heinsalu, Sīms Veski
- Teiču purva attīstība pēdējos 150 gados: veģetācijas, meliorācijas un klimata ietekme / Normunds Stivriņš, Ilze Ozola, Mariušs Galka, Elīza Platpīre (Kušķe), Tīu Aliksāra, Thorbjorns Andersens, Mariušs Lamentovičs, Sabīne Vulfa, Trīna Reitalū
- Biotas izmaiņas pleistocēna-holocēna pārejas laikā (pirms 14-11 tūkst.gadiem) / Normunds Stivriņš, Janne Soininens, Lēli Amona, Sonja Fontana, Gražina Griguce, Maija Heikila, Olivers Heiri, Dalia Kisieliene, Trīna Reitalū, Migle Stančikaite, Sīms Veski
- The final meltdown of dead-ice at the Holocene Thermal Maximum (8500-7400 cal. yr BP) in western Latvia, eastern Baltic / Normunds Stivrins, Merlin Liiv, Atko Heinsalu, Mariusz Gałka, Siim Veski
- Palaeoenvironmental evidence for the impact of the crusades on the local and regional environment of medieval (13th-16th century) northern Latvia, eastern Baltic / Normunds Stivriņš, Alex Brown, Siim Veski, Vita Ratniece, Atko Heinsalu, Jennifer Austin, Merlin Liiv, Aija Ceriņa
- Biotic turnover rates during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition / Normunds Stivriņš, Janne Soininen, Leeli Amon, Sonia L. Fontana, Gražyna Gryguc, Maija Heikkilä, Oliver Heiri, Dalia Kisielienė, Triin Reitalu, Miglė Stančikaitė, Siim Veski, Heikki Seppä
- Detection of the Askja AD 1875 cryptotephra in Latvia, Eastern Europe / Normunds Stivriņš, Sabine Wulf, Stefan Wastegård, Ewa M. Lind, Tiiu Alliksaar, Mariusz Gałka, Thorbjørn Joest Andersen, Atko Heinsalu, Heikki Seppä, Siim Veski
- Landscape change in central Latvia since the Iron Age: multi-proxy analysis of the vegetation impact of conflict, colonization and economic expansion during the last 2,000 years / Normunds Stivrins, Alex Brown, Triin Reitalu, Siim Veski, Atko Heinsalu, Rowena Yvonne Banerjea, Kati Elmi
- Phytoplankton response to the environmental and climatic variability in a temperate lake over the last 14,500 years in eastern Latvia / Normunds Stivriņš, Piotr Kołaczek, Triin Reitalu, Heikki Seppä, Siim Veski
- Palaeoecological implications of the subfossil Pediastrum argentinense-type in Europe / Piotr Kołaczek, Vlasta Jankovská, Falko Turner, Monika Karpińska-Kołaczek, Roberta Pini, Anna Pędziszewska, Marcelina Zimny, Normunds Stivrins, Artur Szymczyk
- Peat stratigraphy and changes in peat formation during the Holocene in Latvia / Laimdota Kalnina, Normunds Stivrins, Eliza Kuske, Ilze Ozola, Agnese Pujate, Sandra Zeimule, Ieva Grudzinska, Vita Ratniece
- The ecological impact of conquest and colonization on a medieval frontier landscape: combined palynological and geochemical analysis of lake sediments from Radzyn´ Chełminski, Northern Poland / Alex Brown, Rowena Banerjea, Amanda Dawn Wynne, Normunds Stivrins, Marc Jarzebowski, Lisa-Marie Shillito, Aleks Pluskowski
- Organic inclusions in Middle and Late Iron Age (5th–12th century) hand-built pottery in present-day Latvia / Baiba Dumpe, Normunds Stivrins