Simon Bell
Dr. arch.Amats
- Ainavu arhitektūras un vides inženierijas institūts - vadošais pētnieks; viesprofesors
Pieņemšanas laiki
Pieņemšanas laiki nav norādīti.
Studiju kursi
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- New urbanisms of colour: Reading colour in the contemporary urban landscapes / Beichen Yu, Simon Bell
- Ainavu izpētes un novērtēšanas pieejas Latvijā : metodoloģisks materiāls ar piemēriem / Stokmane Ilze, Skujāne Daiga, Ziemeļniece Aija, Ņitavska Natalija, Īle Una, Bell Simon, Vugule Kristīne, Markova Madara, Spāģe Aiga, Lāčauniece Iveta, Klepers Andris, Lakovskis Pēteris, Ieviņa Linda
- Ainavu raksturošana un novērtēšana Latvijā / Stokmane Ilze, Skujāne Daiga, Ziemeļniece Aija, Ņitavska Natalija, Īle Una, Bell Simon, Vugule Kristīne, Markova Madara, Spāģe Aiga, Lāčauniece Iveta
- Landscape sensitivity assessment within spatial development scenarios. Latvia case study / Ilze Stokmane, Simon Bell, Aija Ziemeļniece, Daiga Skujāne, Natalija Ņitavska, Una Īle, Kristīne Vugule, Madara Markova, Iveta Lāčauniece, Aiga Spāģe
- Latvijas ainavu telpiskās vienības / Stokmane Ilze, Skujāne Daiga, Ziemeļniece Aija, Ņitavska Natalija, Īle Una, Bell Simon, Vugule Kristīne, Markova Madara, Spāģe Aiga, Lāčauniece Iveta
- The Soviet modernisation of the public road landscape / Kristine Vugule, Simon Bell
- Road landscapes in Latvia: from the traveller's point of view : Doctoral Thesis for obtaining the scientific degree of architect (Dr.arch.) in the scientific branch of Architecture, the sub-branch of Landscape Architecture = Latvijas ceļu ainavas lietotāju uztverē / Kristine Vugule ; supervisor: professor, Simon Bell, PhD, supervisor: assistant professor, Ilze Stokmane, Dr.oec. ; Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Environment and Civil Engineering. Department of Landscape Architecture and Planning.
- Use of mixed methods in road landscape perception studies: an example from Latvia / Kristīne Vugule, Ilze Stokmane, Simon Bell
- Tourist uses of urban green infrastructure in Europe: a cross-cultural study / Theano Terkenli, Simon Bell, Ivana Zivojinovic, Jelena Tomicevic, Thomas Panagopoulos, Inga Straupe, Oliver Toskovic, Katarina Kristianova, Lina Straigyte, Liz O’Brien
- Latvijas ceļu ainavas lietotāju uztverē : promocijas darba kopsavilkums arhitektūras doktora (Dr.arch.) zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai ainavu arhitektūras apakšnozarē = Road landscapes in Latvia: from the traveller's point of view : summary of Doctoral thesis for the scientific degree of Dr.arch. in Landscape architecture / Kristīne Vugule ; promocijas darba zinātniskie vadītāji: PhD Simon Bell, Dr.oec. Ilze Stokmane ; oficiālie recenzenti: Dr.scient. Karsten Jørgensen, Dr.agr. Anders Larsson, Dr.phil. Attila Tóth ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Vides un būvzinātņu fakultāte.
- The soviet modernisation of the public road landscape / Kristine Vugule, Simon Bell
- Soviet era landscape change and the post-soviet legacy in Latvia / Simon Bell, Olgerts Nikodemus, Zanda Peneze, Imants Kruze
- Public participation in the road landscape planning / Kristine Vugule, Ilze Stokmane, Simon Bell, Una Ile
- Public participation in the road landscape planning / Kristine Vugule, Ilze Stokmane, Simon Bell, Una Ile
- Soviet era landscape change and the post-soviet legacy in Latvia / Simon Bell, Olgerts Nikodemus, Zanda Peneze, Imants Kruze
- A comparison of neighbourhood liveability as perceived by two groups of residents: Tehran, Iran and Tartu, Estonia / Saeid Norouzian-Maleki, Simon Bell, Seyed-Bagher Hosseini, Mohsen Faizi, Bahram Saleh-Sedghpour
- Environmental justice in accessibility to green infrastructure in two European cities / Catarina de Sousa Silva, Inês Viegas, Τhomas Panagopoulos, Simon Bell
- Perceptions of ecological and aesthetic quality by natural resource professionals and local people. A qualitative exploration in a mountainous landscape (La Rioja, Spain) / Alicia López-Rodríguez, Rafael Escribano-Bombín, Verónica Hernández-Jiménez, Simon Bell
- The great outdoors: forests, wilderness, and public health / Qing Li, Simon Bell
- Designing of methods for sustainable functioning of Blue-space areas in Europe / Ingmar Ott, Ronald Laarmaa, Katrin Saar, Himansu Sekhar Mishra, Mart Külvik, Peeter Vassiljev, Jekaterina Balicka, Friedrich Kuhlmann, Gloria Niin, Simon Bell
- Wildlife management conflicts in rural communities: a case-study of wild boar (Sus scrofa) management in Ērgļu Novads, Latvia / Joanna T. Storie, Simon Bell
- Recreational use of urban green infrastructure: the tourist’s perspective / Theano S. Terkenli, Simon Bell, Ivana Živojinovič, Jelena Tomićević-Dubljević, Thomas Panagopoulos, Inga Straupe, Oliver Tosković, Katarina Kristianova, Linda Straigyte, Liz O’Brien
- Road landscape project evaluation and future development / Kristine Vugule, Janis Vagolins, Simon Bell
- Road landscape project evaluation and future development / Kristine Vugule, Janis Vagolins, Simon Bell
- Modscapes: the modernist reinvention of the rural landscape : an example of collective farms in the Baltic states / Simon Bell, Friedrick Kuhlmann, Martti Veldi, Oksana Zhukova
- The dynamics of courtyard spaces in historical cities cores : A case study of Vienna, Austria / Adrian Rybchynskyi, Simon Bell
- What makes a successful Blue Space? : A review of projects providing access to urban blue space and derivation of design guidance / Himansu Mishra, Simon Bell, Jekaterina Balicka, Friedrick Kuhlmann, Peeter Vassiljev, Gloria Niin, James Grellier
- Modscapes: the modernist reinvention of the rural landscape - an example of collective farms in the Baltic states / Simon Bell, Friedrick Kuhlmann, Martti Veldi, Oksana Zhukova
- The dynamics of courtyard spaces in historical cities cores : a case study of Vienna, Austria / Adrian Rybchynskyi, Simon Bell
- What makes a successful Blue Space? : A systematic review of projects providing access to urban blue space and derivation of design guidance / Himansu Mishra, Simon Bell, Jekaterina Balicka, Friedrick Kuhlmann, Peeter Vassiljev, Gloria Niin, James Grellier
- The relationship between the distribution and use patterns of parks and their spatial accessibility at the city level: A case study from Tehran, Iran / Fariba Bahrini, Simon Bell, Safora Mokhtarzadeh
- Linking demand and supply factors in identifying cultural ecosystem services of urban green infrastructures: a review of European studies / K. Tessa Hegetschweiler, Sjerp de Vries, Arne Arnberger, Simon Bell, Michael Brennan, Nathan Siter, Anton Stahl Olafsson, Annette Voigt, Marcel Hunziker
- BlueHealth: A study programme protocol for mapping and quantifying the potential benefits to public health and well-being from Europe's blue spaces / James Grellier, Mathew P. White, Maria Albin, Simon Bell, Lewis R. Elliott, Mireia Gascón, Silvio Gualdi, Laura Mancini, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Denis A. Sarigiannis, Matilda van den Bosch, Tanja Wolf, Susanne Wuijts, Lora E. Fleming
- Urban Allotment Gardens in Europe / edited by Simon Bell ... [et al.].
- A history of urban gardens in Europe / N. Keshavarz, S. Bell
- An assessment of the relative contribution of private residential gardens to the city-wide green space benefits and services: the case of Tartu, Estonia / Himansu Sekhar Mishra, Simon Bell
- Putting people first! Exploring how to improve public participation in planning: case studies from Latvia and Estonia / Joanna T. Storie, Simon Bell
- Adjusting to renewable energy in a crowded Europe / Simon Bell
- How does street vending contribute to walkability? A report on a study in Yuncheng, China / Ziwen Sun, Simon Bell, Iain Scott
- Emotional wellbeing restoration of the visually impaired: the role of green space / Aziz Azlina, Simon Bell
- Emotional wellbeing restoration of the visually impaired: the role of green space / Aziz Azlina, Simon Bell
- Outdoor environments for primary school teaching and learning: an exploratory study / Matluba Khan, Simon Bell, Eva Silveirinha de Oliveira, Sarah McGeown
- Outdoor environments for primary school teaching and learning: an exploratory study / Matluba Khan, Simon Bell, Eva Silveirinha de Oliveira, Sarah McGeown
- Immigrants in Lisbon - a cross-cultural comparison of the use of public spaces / Eva Silveirinha de Oliveira, Simon Bell
- Developing and testing a framework for the assessment of neighbourhood liveability in two contrasting countries: Iran and Estonia / Saeid Norouzian-Maleki, Simon Bell, Seyed-Bagher Hosseini, Mohsen Faizi
- Immigrants in Lisbon - a cross-cultural comparison of the use of public spaces / Eva Silveirinha de Oliveira, Simon Bell
- Improving children's outdoor learning by design: a case study from Bangladesh / Matluba Khan, Simon Bell
- Restorative value of pine forest compared with spruce forest: an experiment using an immersive, simulated, Estonian winter landscape / Peeter Vassiljev, Simon Bell, Janar Raet, Miguel Villoslada Pecina
- Restorative value of pine forest compared with spruce forest: an experiment using an immersive, simulated, Estonian winter landscape / Peeter Vassiljev, Simon Bell, Janar Raet, Miguel Villoslada Pecina
- Use of public parks in an Islamic country in transition: a case study of the Islamic Republic of Iran / Fariba Bahrini, Simon Bell
- Use of public parks in an Islamic country in transition: a case study of the Islamic Republic of Iran / Fariba Bahrini, Simon Bell
- Improving children's outdoor learning by design: a case study from Bangladesh / Matluba Khan, Simon Bell